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The Night Chicago Died

“Brother what a night it really was…..”  So goes the lyrics to the mid seventies song.   Brother, what a weekend this past one was in the Windy City.  Just 75 gunshot victims.  Seventy-five.   Twelve unfortunate people lost their life.  TWELVE.

Well, at least the city’s finances are solid.  Well, they used to be anyway.

And, Rahm Emanuel, mayor of the windy city is rumored to have his thumb in the air to determine which way the wind is blowing to make a run for the Democratic Party nomination to challenge President Trump in 2020.   He announced that he is done with this training ground of mayoring.   He’s stepping down at the end of this term.  Thanks Rahm.


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  • Simple fact checks like the 1974 song the night chicago died… Being called a 60s song? Fake news. Lazy writing.

    • Well, thanks for pointing that out. Its my first attempt at running a website and publishing multiple articles. If that’s the worst I do I guess I’ll be ok.